The Theater/Theatrics of Life with Barbara Anne Tisi

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The Theater/Theatrics of Life with Barbara Anne Tisi

“The Theater/Theatrics of Life:”
Real Life, your life …my life …everyone’s life!
Who are we in that life, by choice or by playing the role of who we think we should be, or who we think “they” want us to be!?

This workshop will help us live a life that is more true to who we really are and what we really want it to be!!! With that said, the goal is to relax, release patterns that keep us from living in these higher energies/vibrations of Love, Happiness, Ease, Patience, Health, Forgiveness, etc.
Many things to look at and become consciously aware of… for we play many roles in our daily lives.
What role are you playing? Are you good at it? Do you want to “play” another role? Do you like your “character” …? Do you yearn to be more “You”…? Do you want to be someone else?
We all, most of us…have been there… maybe not even consciously… and yet deep inside know we are not satisfied, but we do not let anyone in on those thoughts and feelings?
Does this sound or feel even a tad bit familiar?

This is “Continuing Ed” in Self Care = Self Love = Self Healing!!!

I am excited about this offering being brought forth in the form of a class/workshop, for it was given to me in the early morning, Thursday March 2nd, by the Higher Divine Energies so inclined to give different messages, thoughts or opportunities, to help us, to get “out there” or to “get over ourselves” and come down to reality to make changes and move ever closer to the person who we are here on earth to be and lead the life that we are meant to experience!
To have the freedom of Mind, Body and Spirit to be able to live in the “higher energies/vibrations” that enable us to live in truth! We can become very “successful” and outwardly, appear to “have it all”. (We sometimes could win an academy award for our “acting abilities,” even an Oscar!)…..yet we still can be… not true to ourselves! How can that be? Simple yet complicated! Easy yet tricky! Let’s do this, make a difference …..together, in the way Spirit would want us to, in the Light of Lightness and Ease! To be open to learning, releasing and growing ever closer to the truth of our Soul…

Being who we are in this lifetime, the Human Being, who asks us to not be totally true to the truth of who we are!? And the Spiritual Being who asks more of us than maybe we want to give or we want to be, or think/feel we can’t be! The Rewards are Purity of Heart and Assurance of Who We Are to take this Path!!! Which, in turn, releases a simplicity to your life…. of ease, simplifying what we thought was so difficult is truly not…

I am totally looking forward to our first experience in presenting this in a format of ease with “Love” always in the forefront. It is time, the world needs Love in every way, in any situation, daily, in our lives…Love is the highest vibration of all good and great things that we can bring to ourselves and all others. Let’s enjoy those rich feelings of knowing we are on the safe, joyful, fun loving track. Now is the time!!!

Some of what we will be covering!

Mother Earth Drum Meditation…preparing us for the calming, relaxing down, moving forward to the opening up of the expansion of our minds and helping us to bring forth what it is we have always been wanting yet somehow seems to never quite get started or just don’t keep it going…

Your life will change as you learn to:
*Feel yourself being more proactive to becoming more true to you
*Find your Knowing
*Stop…what isn’t working for you
*Look for Love in the right place
*Feel the knowing that what I put into my life, I will receive back with much joy and fun
*Move towards the Truth of Who You Are
*Live with Love..Joy..Forgiveness…etc in all the right places…
*Be at Peace, in Mind, Body and Soul …..the best place to live!

**Please bring paper/pen and water, plus what you need to be comfortable on the floor or chair. Branches also has props to share for your comfort.
**If you would consider, bringing a list of some of your known habits, patterns, issues, difficulties that you are aware of.


**Investment: $22

Register for In Studio HERE


Register for Zoom HERE

30 June
Friday @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


  • Start:
    June 30 @ 6:30 pm
  • End:
    June 30 @ 8:30 pm
  • Cost:
  • Event Category


Branches of Wellness


Branches of Wellness

70 South Park Place
Painesville, OH 44077 United States

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