The Diamond Rose Spiritual Assembly is an independent spiritualist assembly. That means we believe all pathways to your connection to your Higher Power is accepted and honored. Our service is intended to help you develop your spiritual belief. We are judgment free and accepting of all people, but we do not tolerate hate speech of any kind.
Statement of Principles:
- As Spiritualists we celebrate that one Source manifests throughout all creation
- Each manifestation is to be honored as one would honor their own belief
- We believe that each personal connection to Source is a Divine Right respected and honored
- We believe in Personal Responsibility and that the Natural Laws provide a blue print for right living
- We believe that communication with the true self, Spirit, is everlasting
- The Creator/Source is all loving and we are here to experience all that life has to offer
- Most of all we believe that love is the human connection to Creator and to each other and that the connection to Creator/Source is always open to guide us to our life’s highest and best
The first Sunday each month will be All Message Service. We believe that the true self, Spirit, lives on even after death and communication is forever. The first Sunday is devoted to bringing messages from our deceased loved ones.
No service on the second Sunday.
The third Sunday is our All Healing Service. We believe healing can take place through Spirit and that this can help those who need healing. It does not take the place of what your medical professional is doing for you, but rather assists in bringing healing energy for your mind, body, and spirit.
The fourth Sunday may be a special speaker, a class in mediumship, healing, or whatever the group decides they would like to do. This will be dependent on the availability of speakers and teachers.
The occasional fifth Sunday will have no Service.
As we grow together, we may expand on classes including mediumship. In the past I have had ministerial programs for people who want to become ministers. My intention is to serve the needs of the spiritual community.
Reverand Barb Saiter
440.339.9567 or