Restorative Yoga and Healing Arts!

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Restorative Yoga and Healing Arts!

Join us for the BEST of both worlds the LAST Thursday of each month, where you can meet our talented Yoga Instructors and Healing Arts Practitioners.
Each month features a different Yoga Instructor and Healing Art!
As you rest propped up in delicious Restorative Yoga postures, you will receive Reiki, Massage, OR Thai Massage throughout.
**Investment: $40.
**In-Studio ONLY.
**Maximum Participants: 10
**Practitioners will be practicing COVID protocol for sanitization between each client.
**June’s Healing Art: MASSAGE**
JUN 30!
Restorative Yoga Instructor: Christina Studio
Licensed Massage Therapists: Jennifer Mikolic

30 June
Thursday @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm



Branches of Wellness


Branches of Wellness

70 South Park Place
Painesville, OH 44077 United States

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