Reiki Share with Lynn Imondi

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Reiki Share with Lynn Imondi

Join Lynn Imondi for a Reiki share! All are welcome! We will start this Reiki share with a guided meditation, and then enjoy Reiki with both hands-on and distant Reiki techniques.

All are welcome, from Reiki Masters to Reiki Rookies to Reiki Recipients who have never taken a Reiki class. If you are curious, if you want some practice, or if you just want a Reiki treatment, please join us.
*Investment: Pay What You Will

(Participants: Min: 3, Max: 15)

Please Pre-Register HERE!

23 July
Sunday @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm



Branches of Wellness


Branches of Wellness

70 South Park Place
Painesville, OH 44077 United States

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